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Check out these exhibitors at the
2020 First Steps Baby Expo!
Check out these exhibitors at the
2020 First Steps Baby Expo!
Check out these exhibitors at the
2020 First Steps Baby Expo!
Check out these exhibitors at the
2020 First Steps Baby Expo!

Ways We Are Involved
Bonding with your baby is an amazing human instinct that gives babies a sense of security, self-esteem and belonging. Our First Steps Baby Expo team likes to bond with the communities we are in, too! Here are some of the fun things we have coming up:
Still have more questions?
Did you know there are over 3 billion proclaimed parenting experts out there? None of them work on our team - we're just really good at answering questions. Do you have one for us? Awesome! Simply, click the button below and then fill out the form. We'll be in touch, faster than you can change a surprise dirty diaper on the way out the door!
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